This evening we celebrate a couple of family birthdays. In an effort to use more of what we already have, I'm looking for something unique for my son's cake. I'm planning on a simple ice-cream cake, with the ice cream being homemade fresh from our beautiful little cow's cream. There's so much of the white stuff, we've got to be creative putting it to work!! By rights, I should be hitting the cheese-making hard today (since I'm out of refrigerator space and milk bottles :) ), but then there's also that big garden to catch up on (SUCH a rainy Spring we're having!). day at a time, and make the time to enjoy the things that I am getting done (by not overbooking and stressing myself!)
My plan for my homemade ice cream cake is simple. I'll cheat a little and use a boxed cake mix (unless my conscience gets the better of me). I'll make a chocolate cake mix and mix up a quick batch of probably vanilla ice cream in my Cuisinart icecream maker
. I love this Cuisinart ice cream maker because it is simple, fast, and easy to use, and requires no salt or ice. It has a gel-filled bowl that you freeze which replaces all of that mess. So literally in half an hour you can have delicious home made ice cream without very much of a mess at all.
When the ice cream is first finished it is about the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. That will make it easy to spread over the finished cake, and then I'll freeze it to let it harden up a little more. I haven't quite decided yet whether to cut the cake horizontally in half and layer it, but I am thinking I will probably do that. If I'm very ambitious I may make a batch of chocolate, too, and layer that in somewhere. We'll see, but I'll be sure to let you all know how it comes out!
(NB: I'm able to make two batches of homemade icecream because I've bought a spare bowl
for my icecream maker, so I have the two frozen and ready to go. Without two bowls, you'd have to wait hours or another day to refreeze the bowl in order to be able to make a second batch. I find that spare bowl well worth the additional investment!)
My plan for my homemade ice cream cake is simple. I'll cheat a little and use a boxed cake mix (unless my conscience gets the better of me). I'll make a chocolate cake mix and mix up a quick batch of probably vanilla ice cream in my Cuisinart icecream maker
When the ice cream is first finished it is about the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. That will make it easy to spread over the finished cake, and then I'll freeze it to let it harden up a little more. I haven't quite decided yet whether to cut the cake horizontally in half and layer it, but I am thinking I will probably do that. If I'm very ambitious I may make a batch of chocolate, too, and layer that in somewhere. We'll see, but I'll be sure to let you all know how it comes out!
(NB: I'm able to make two batches of homemade icecream because I've bought a spare bowl