Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Kind Of Life....

My kind of life...what is it?

It's evolving is what it is.  It's a work in progress towards something simpler and less stressful, but not necessarily less "work".  In fact, it's probably a lot more work than a lot of people's lives, at least in some ways, but it's the life I and mine want, and are working to build...bit by bit, step by step.

Is it the kind of life you'd want?  Maybe, maybe not.  More than likely you'll find some things about it you'd like to incorporate and others you'd really not.  But to give you an overview and an idea, here's a bit of what you can expect.

The Simple Life

Well, if that's not a loaded statement....

I consider the life that we are striving for to be more simple, but many would certainly think otherwise.  The life we've been building, (and I can say I think we're a good step of the way there), is a country life striving to be able to enjoy the simpler things that we enjoy.  Like what?


  • Home cooked meals and saving money.  
  • Like producing more of our own, on our own, or with friends and neighbors.  
  • Like being self-sufficient, or as close to it as we can.  
  • Like living according to our belief systems.  
  • Like trusting the food we eat because we grew it ourselves, and know exactly where every carrot stick and chicken leg came from, to the best extent possible.  
  • Like finding better ways of working at home to open up time and freedom to do more of what we want to do.  Not necessarily work less, I repeat, but to do what WE choose - not what is chosen by others for us.

That's it in a very vague nutshell, and there's certainly more to it.  But then, that's what this blog is work it out, to share, and to discuss as we go.  I hope you'll come along!

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